17 August 2007

Lady Vashj Reached!

On tuesday we got our first look at Lady Vashj in SSC.

With the hour or so of raiding time left for the night we decided to have a go at her in order to get a feel for the fight.

Phase 1 (down to 70%) was easy peasy almost a basic tank and spank we had no problems what so ever! Phase 2 - Arrgghhhh!!!!!! Mobs everywhere people not having a clue what to kill and the inevitable wipe.

While I was waiting for the raid to be res'd and buffed, I had a quick look at Boss Killers in order to get an idea of what I should be expecting in the fight. Looks resonably simple in Phase 1 & 3, just 2 is the hard part!

Anyway we had a few more attempts after that - some how doing worse in phase 1 than the very first go! Just after 12 the raid was called and everyone was fired up ready to clear the instance after the reset and get some good practice time in on Vashj


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