23 March 2013


A year and a half(ish) since my last post...

That is so not good!!! I need to work out what I'm going to blog about! Since I'm burnt out on MMOs! I've tried a few since wow - such as guild wars 2, and I'm pretty sure my MMO days are over!

This makes me sad when I think about it, but is probably for the best! as I have an addictive personality - by that I mean I find something that interests me and focus on it to the exclusion of all else. Until the next thing comes along! And as I've got older I've seen that change - 5-6 year of wow to the exclusion of almost every other game!!!!!! And the longest game addiction since was mine craft - you its been out for year but for some reason in January I decided to try it and there went Jan  Feb & march! But 3-4 month and I'm looking for the next game.... Nothing like 5+ years of wow!!!!!

OK so the point of this barely coherent nonsense? well I have no idea! hell of a week of work and I've cancelled my annual leave over Easter - first time I will have worked this fortnight in my entire 14-15 years of working life!!!!! So... I'm, drunk :) That bottle of JD literally sang to me with its siren call :)

well my dear imaginary readers I promise I will find something to write about in the next couple of weeks (Its just been added to the list of life alterations I decided to enact after my last birthday).

Till later this is