23 August 2007

Lady Vashj - O Mistress of Wipeing

Ok on tuesday we had a whole evening of Vashj attempts! This is without a doubt the most technical fight I have ever taken part in! The only ones that come any where near as close are CThun, which I never had a large number of attempts at! And the original learning of Razorgore at the start of BWL.

At the end of the night the following progress had been made:-
  1. We could get the first strider down to around 20% by the time the second one appeared! (usually).
  2. The naga's once picked up tended to die ok (usually).
Also the following had been learnt, well at least by me.
  1. Rogues aka Face Paints are about 50% - 75% a bunch a moaners if they have to run around a lot.
  2. Ker for once isn't calling people useless for not mastering there jobs first attempt!
  3. The strider death rate - from 3 hunters (one of which is crappy MM spec tho) 2 locks (one of who was kiting), 1 Elem shammy (Also kiting if needed) and 1 Shadow Priest (ubre Nils!) - Meant we need more practice and better gear!
  4. We're doing better than another guild who got to her at the same time.
Well its now Thursday so off to draft which means I will miss tonights Learning Fest.


21 August 2007

Super Heroes!

This sunday we started a new campaign - using the Marvel Universe RPG system - and it looks like it could be amusing! I'm going to divide this post into three sections; game setting, character creation, something else.

Game Setting
Ok Ian who is running the game it setting it in his own universe rather marvel for various reasons, called the CD universe! (Yup you can guess where that came from! the tonne of his game is very much more that of DC than marvel). This is a setting hes been using for over 2 years and so the major villians and other "Super Hero" groups are well defined.
Now for the interesting twist, which takes some getting used to! The characters players are playing are actually being drawn by some guy at CD Comics in New York! But when your playing there is no realisation of this fact for them and they won't ever "cross-over" into our world.
A good way to highlight this point, Ian ended a previous game session as follows.

GM: "And then you hear a voice behind you say blah blah blah blah"
Player: "Was the voice male or female?"
GM: "You don't know its a comic!"

Character Generation
As noone had played this system before this took some time. But I feel that it was done in a really good way. First off it every one decided on the kind hero they wanted to play - We got a the monk from Rich (No surprises there!), Chris went with the telepath who needs drugs to keep his powers undercontrol and has spent most of his life in a psychiatric ward!, Joss with the scientist/inventor. And me with a Mage - I must admit my character choice has been influenced by Constantine. (Note to self must pick up all the graphic novels of Hellblazer).
Next we heard about the available abilities making a note of the ones that interested us. In my case magic, combat, investigative stuff, hex spheres (raw magic and weird things happen). Modifiers came next and finally we heard ways of making powers cheaper. Then deciding on challenges 1-3 of them. After all this we got to spend out points to create our characters :)

Well I ended up with Luke Talis. PI & Mage, who sees the darker creatures of this universe and does what he can to destroy them. A man who suffers constant nightmares about the things and dimensions he can see and resorts to valium and alcohol to try and get dreamless sleep - not always successfully.

Even tho I can't draw - I'm tempted to do a comic-esq blog for Luke. We'll see!

Something Else
Indigo with red polkadots and green stripes is the new black.


18 August 2007

Blogshares and the Plan

Well I after a little bit of the plan mentioned in my first post on Blogshares I decided to pay for Premium Account so that I can do so much more. And the then I ditched the original plan as it was way to slow for making B$. Well nothing compared to the 700 Million I effectivly started with! In place of a plan I obviously need a plan so the new objectives have been set.

1) Artifact Collecting.
Artifacts can have a huge impact on the game, one of the blogs I have shares in balances itself at around B$10M for the 4000 shares. Each day I can pump this upto over B$20M with my artifacts and then sell. Before pushing the already plumetted value, after sale, even lower before finally pressuring the public to sell me back the 4000 shares for under B$1M. Thats a nice easy 20 or so million a day! So my first goal is to collect every Artifact in the game before looking for similar if not better blogs to pump for cash! I'll put a progress meter on the side in a bit.

2) Karma.
Karma is earned by voting blogs into industies. And having that vote "moderated" by someone else with 750 or more Karma. Now the reason I want this Karma is two fold, first it puts me up on the composite rank! I will in time be gunning for the top 100, then 10, then 1st! Second when you have 750 Karma you get to use all your artifacts TWICE in 24 hours rather than just once, this means a potential huge jump B$ profit from trading and manipulating shares. My goal is 750 some time in September and so I'll vote on 5-10 newly added bloggs each day.

3) Making B$.
To start with while I concentrate on objective 1 & 2 I won't try and make to much in the way of Cash on hand. I'm thinking a small B$50 Million a day should survice for now. At least until I have all the cheap artifacts.

Ok time to get back to making B$!!!!


Karazhan and new Guild Records

Friday and Monday are the days we tend to do Karazhan these days and while we try to use it to gear up newer members of the guild its also really just a fun run.

The Huntsman is a competition between me and the tank! Once he mounts up on midnight I'm trying to steal aggro before we kill him! Came damn close tonight, if I hadn't used Bestial wrath in the first phase Attumen would have been smacking me in the face rather than just charging me now and then. And yup I had salvation on.

Moroes and our main tank finally got his watch trinket!

The Maiden - dead in 1 minute 40 seconds! taking a massive 18 seconds of the previous guild record :)

Opera Event was Romulo & Julianne so no shot at Legacy for me this week :( But as no one wanted it I suddenly found Despair being dumped in my bags! Fine I'll enchant it with mongoose and use it when I want to wind people up!

Then Nightbane died allowing me to complete a quest and get a new gem.

Curator came out of the first innovate at about 25% health if not lower! Two locks are sick, but I claim 3% of the damage one of the locks did due to Ferocious Inspiration. The curator didn't drop my ring :(

Aran, and we almost killed him BEFORE the elementals despawned. Only 3% health out so maybe next time it will happen.

After Aran I was done, time to swap with a hunter who needs the Chess event and the Prince. It was a damn fine raid up until that point!


17 August 2007

Wednesdays SSC Raid - Yup I'm a week behind!

The reset had happened so it was time to clear out this instance and get a good amount of time to practice on Vashj later in he week!

First the lurker, and we wiped :(, how I don't know but that just should not happen! Any way second shot and down he went like the big baby fish/lizard thing he is! (And I caught him both attempts! )

Onwards to Leo the blind, it was bit messy after the split at 15% - we lost our lock tank at around the 6% mark as well! But despite this he died first attempt and so we can safely say this guy is now on FARM status. Add to this I got my T5 gloves :)

Then we moved onto Morrowgrim as there weren't enough healers for the Fathom Lord. Well we spent a while wiping on him, until finally like a huge felled tree he came crashing down to the ground. Second guild kill of this boss and my first.

It was just past midnight and so the raid was called. But I just have to mention the Pattern drops! becasue there where loads for a change.

First came the Boots of Blasting from the Lurker (aka Not The Boots!) and we had a very happy 375 Tailor mage. Next came the Boots of the Crimson Hawk and I was on VERY happy hunter :) Third dropped the Red Havoc Boots - taken by a tincan blacksmith. Finally, yup there was more, the Belt of the Long Road dropped. This is only the 2nd non leather working pattern to drop for guild, the first being the Red Belt of Battle whos crafter is no longer in the guild. Two of our Priests are now signed up for the vortexes for this belt.
As for the vortexes we had 6 drop in total. 2 for me to make a Belt of Deep Shadow for one of our rogues, 2 for me to make a Belt of Natural Power for one of the feral druid, and 2 for a warrior to finish upgrading his weapon.

All in all it was and Awsome raid!


Lady Vashj Reached!

On tuesday we got our first look at Lady Vashj in SSC.

With the hour or so of raiding time left for the night we decided to have a go at her in order to get a feel for the fight.

Phase 1 (down to 70%) was easy peasy almost a basic tank and spank we had no problems what so ever! Phase 2 - Arrgghhhh!!!!!! Mobs everywhere people not having a clue what to kill and the inevitable wipe.

While I was waiting for the raid to be res'd and buffed, I had a quick look at Boss Killers in order to get an idea of what I should be expecting in the fight. Looks resonably simple in Phase 1 & 3, just 2 is the hard part!

Anyway we had a few more attempts after that - some how doing worse in phase 1 than the very first go! Just after 12 the raid was called and everyone was fired up ready to clear the instance after the reset and get some good practice time in on Vashj


12 August 2007

Wisp’s FOO Report #1 – Reading

I took a much needed day of work Friday to go see my parents in Oxford, this has the benefits of good free food, My dad’s a chef, plus as my Sister put it on Saturday morning, “He’s just treating this place as a free B&B!” Which just happens to be true but that’s besides the point. So on Saturday morning I got a lift to reading, for the Pre-release at Eclectic Games.

The Cards
So with 10 players and 2 Hero’s and 4 Fires boosters in front of me it was time to crack them open! From the Hero’s packs I got:-

Marked For Death (Hunter)
Fire Blast - Frost Nova (Mage)
Holy Light (Bubble Boy)
Crippling Poison (Makeup)
Healing Wave (Shaman)
Fear - Sever the Cord (Warlock)
Rend - Stalwart Protector (Tin Can)
Rally the Troops - Shattering Blow

Allies (Alliance)
Adept Breton - Tracker Gallen - Milo the Unmerciful (c2)
Sha’lin Nightwind (c3)
Liba Wobblebonk (c5)
Lafiel (c6)

Allies (Horde)
Brigg (c1)
Vesh’ral (c3)
Blood Guard Mal’wani (c4)

Allies (Neutral)
Infernal (Warlock)

Chromatic Cloak
Golem Skull Helm

The Defias Brotherhood (Alliance)
Battle of Darrowshire
Into the Maw of Madness
It’s a Secret to Everyone

That was the old cards out the way, so now onwards to the new cards! And from these 4 packs I ended up with:-

Call of the Wild - Prowl - Zephyr (Druid)
Freezing Trap (Hunter)
Arcane Blast - Frost Funnel - Mana Jade (Mage)
Blessing of Divinity (Bubble Boy)
Mind Sooth - Soul Rend (Priest)
Anesthetic Poison x2 - Deadly Brew - Jackknife (Makeup)
Chain Heal - Earth Shock - Heroism - Life Arc (Shaman)
Immolate - Jar Soul (Warlock)
Devastate - Victory Rush (Tin Can)
Battle “Preparations” - Defensive Breach

Allies (Alliance)
Krenig Soulguard - Maagoff “Sparroweye” Ironhammer x2 (c1)
Exodar Peacekeepers - Hailey Goodchile (c2)
Christopher the Devout - Izza Spindleflame (c3)
Nalkus (c4)
Caddrick Von Styler - Norrund Grovewalker x2 (c6)

Allies (Horde)
Jasmin Bloodlove - Mustang Sally (c1)
Ez’trin - Silvermoon Sentinels - Snig Feralsnout (c2)
Gahrunt Foulfang (c3)
Hurlorn Battlechaser - Rek’gar - Uglund Duskrider (c4)
Ash’ergi x2 (c5)

Allies (Neutral)
Angrida (Warlock)

Master Cannoneer Boots
Sun-Gilded Shouldercaps

Brother Against Brother
In Case of Emergency
One Draenei’s Junk … x2
Voidwalkers Gone Wild
What’s Wrong at Cenarion Thicket?

Deck Building
Ok, Now I knew what I had to play with! And some of these new cards are funky . Its time to sort out a class, faction & hero. Well I have 4 equipment in total and not a single weapon so bye-bye to Warriors, Rogues, Paladins. No hunter pets to make up for the lack of weapons so bye to them too! . Ok got a cat form card for the druid but its only one and there is now way of recovering it once destroyed so Druids are out. Priests I have….erm ok… bye Priests.

That’s 6 down and 3 to go! Shaman, Mage or Warlock. Shamans have healing x3 and interrupt + damage and if I go alliance a one turn +2 ATK to all my allies. With so few heavy beat sticks the healing won’t help much so there goes shaman.
Left know with Mage and Warlock, both of which will benefit from the chromatic cloak. The mage had 4 damage abilities to gain from it including Frost Nava and Frost Funnel which can stop things attacking me.
Warlocks only had one direct damage card in Immolate but that’s also a dot so more potential cloak benefit. Plus there is soul Jar (Pay 4 remove target ally from the game – Ongoing: Destroy Soul Jar you pay (2) less to play your next pet this turn) which goes o so nicely with that wonderful little Infernal! Which to go for? Strongly tempted to Warlock due to the infernal and also with a small number of beat sticks Mage gets tossed.

Faction was decided simply on the top end beat sticks! For the hoard there where 2 Ash’ergi (C5 – 3/5 – Stealth - +1 ATK for each damage on him). Nice card bypassed those annoying protectors (something I only had 1 off!!!!). To remove him is likely to result in a 2 or 3 for 1 trade off which is good for me, but once he’s dead I have only a load of fragile none ferocity allies left!!!.
On the alliance side there is Norrund Grovewalker (C6 – 5/4 – Elusive – Untargetable) yup this card is NICE! Especially as it’s a common. With the only way to remove it being AoE damage the choice was a no brainer really – Alliance.

So which hero? Erm another no brainer Dizzy here I come!

So for my deck I threw in all the Warlocks cards, all the allies apart from Lafiel and Caddrick. Add in a chromatic cloak, For the quests Defias, Maw, Darrowshire & It’s a secret from the original set. With the new quests I added in Gahz’ridian (Pay 5 draw 2), One Draenei’s Junk x2 & Cenarion Thicket (Pay 1 on your turn both players draw a card). Bung in a Shattering blow to make a deck of 30 cards.

In hind sight I should have left out the cloak and Cenarion Thicket and maybe put in Lafiel & Battle Preparations. While I never got to use shattering blow the new 5 cost instant version Defensive Breach may have been a better choice.

My final deck on its curve was:-

1 Drops
Sparroweye x2 - Krenig Soulguard
It’s a Secret – Defias – Darrowshire - Cenarion Thicket - Into the maw (where else can I list it!)

2 Drops
Milo – Gallen - Adept Breton - Peacekeepers - Goodchilde
Immolate – Sever the cord
One Draenei’s Junk x2

3 Drops
Angrida – Nightwind – Spindleflame

4 Drops
Jar Soul – Shattering Blow
Chromatic Cloak

5 Drops
Liba Wobblebonk

6 Drops
Infernal – Grovewalker x2

The Tournament
Ok now I spent ages about my deck building its onto the actual matches – And here my notes a crap so will be much shortened (add to that I’m halve asleep atm…) Any way onwards with the reports.

Match 1 – Lee
The last time I played Lee was at a couple of London regionals ago where my under construction Phaladus deck got squashed by evil warrior - 31 damage in a turn - combos!
Today Lee was playing Dizzy! So its gnome lock against gnome lock! In the first game I sort of got overwhelmed! Trades working in his favour, EVIL sarmoth getting in the way, protectors on his side of the board and a rapidly squished gnome on my side.
Game 2! This time it went my way I get control of the board enough (usually empty!) to get out Mr Grovewalker and start laying down the pain! Result = Squashed gnome on his side!
And then decider (There was one in every match for me ). This game was sort of like the first I got overwhelmed and squashed!
So now 0-1

Match 2 – John
This is an opponent I’ve never played before so can’t start with some comment about past games or wanting revenge or anything like that so will just get on with the game. My opposing hero this time was Mojo Shapper Ojo’mon (really! Trolls should just all be put down for having really stupid names!).
In game one I was sort of overwhelmed (I was starting to get used to this! And it would continue!) and my gnoom got squashed by the big bad troll!
Game two & three where pretty similar lots of damage to both sides but the combination of 2 or 3 of my 3 beat-sticks was enough to cut the troll down to size!
In this match up “Sparroweye” really began to shine! This nice little ally is (C1 – 1/1 – Pay (1) Sparroweye has long range this turn) when left unmolested for a turn or two becomes really good at clearing fragile allies, and with 2 in play was even better.
So now 1-1

Match 3 – Alex
Another opponent I’ve not played against! This is looking good (3 rounds and no Jacimo! The Fates must be taking a nap!). Alex’s hero was the “Kneecapper” – Gnomes really do look stupid in Wrath, they always have and always will do!
Game one and the cards just flowed, smash, smash, smash!!! And I ripped that silly axe helmet of the gnoom and punted him across the room! One up!
Round two and where did all my cards go? By poor little dizzy got really beaten up!
The tie breaker round! Now this was probably the best single game of the whole day, even though I lost! Towards the end I was sitting there with 10 health looking at his allies and weapon capable of doing 10 damage! Only one way to survive his next turn was to take out an ally with one of mine – was ok with me, had enough to kill him on my next go! His turn and he flipped his hero and his allies hit me for 8, then he hit me with the dagger for 1. So close maybe just maybe…. Nah! Down game the Sunfury bow which was then exhausted to ping Dizzy for 1
So now 1-2

Match 4 – Tim
Tim was one of those mean people who beat me at the Birmingham pre-release of Heroes. Admittedly I had no chance with a Moonshadow starter deck! But that’s no reason not to want REVENGE!!!111oneoneone. Not that I do, just saying its not a reason not to. Tim was playing Mazar, the other alliance gnome lock, btw.
Game one and “Sparroweye” earned his keep, the beats game down hard and fast and dizzy proofed she was better than any new comer to the Gnomish Warlock Throne!. 1 up to me.
Game two and the tempo was in my favour until he played Battle “Preparations”. So I couldn’t attack on my next turn, big deal I thought he can’t attack on his next turn either so lets lay down some weenies, including Gallen, to pound into him on my next go! The his turn and down came Shadow Fury 2 Damage to all my allies and exhaust them – not that was an issue because they all died! Clear field nothing on my side and his big 6 drops came down and squashed me!
So the final tiebreaker, “Sparroweye”, both of them, kept the field reasonable clear for the early game. Later on I was sitting on 5 resources and a Grove Walker plus one card in the hand. Completed it’s a secret, put the second Grove Walker to the top and completed Darrowshire to draw it. Down goes a card as a resource and out comes my beatstick! The match had turned into a DPS race! Next turn the other walker and I won the race!
Yay VENGENCE (not that I was after it!) was mine!
So finally 2-2

Put me in 6th place out of 10 which considering the cards I had compared to what I saw some other people play was not too bad.


10 August 2007

Thursday Night Draft

Every Thursday, at Pheonix Games, in the run upto the UK's WoW TCG National Championship we are playing draft tournaments in order to get in practice. This week we had 8 players, including vistors Lost Ghost & Tyma - from Stockport and Swansea respectively.

Format was 2 HoA & 2 DP.

The deck I built was as follows

Hero: Elendril
32 Cards

1 Drops:
Bloodclaw x2
Apprentice Merry x1
Wing Clip x1
Eye of Rend x1
Battle of Darrowshire x1

2 Drops:
Avanthera x1
Tracker Gallen x1
Jeleane Nightbreeze x1
Overseer Oilfist x1
Arcane Shot x1
Eagle Eye x1
Ravenous Bite x2
A Donation of Silk x1

3 Drops:
Parvink x1
Trophey Kill x2
Black Crow x1 (2 Drop + 1 Swing)
Masons Fraternity Ring x1
Devilsaur Leggings x1
Crown of Earth x1
The Perfect Stout x1
Divono-matic Rod x1
Manhunt x1

4 Drops:
Margaret Fowl x1
Tristan Rapid Strike x1
Scimitar of the Nexus Stalkers x1 (2 Drop + 2 Swing)

6 Drops:
Acolyte Demia x1
Raul "Fingers" Maldren x1

1+X Drops:
Aimed Shot x1

9 Drops:
King Magni Bronzebeard x1

Ok I made some mistakes with cards used but onto that later!

Round One: Tyma
Ok the mean Welshman started of by showing me the hootie he had drafted and then writing "Not For You" on the card!!! Then put down his
As this game played out I managed to get both my weapons and the leggings out withing a resonable amount of time. Judicious use of Ravenous bite allowed me to keep control of the board. On the arcane shotted death of his elusive longrange allie - Tyma conceded defeat.
A win :D yipee

Round Two: The annoying little one (Jake)
Jake was playing Phaladus the tentacle face shamen, and I knew (because he had to tell every one!) that there was a Leeroy Jenkins lurking in his deck. Most of the match was a bit to and throw with regards to who was winning. I delibratly kept back a wing clip for Leeroy, but was forced to use it before he turned up. Unfortunatly for me Jake had pulled a Chain Lightning and with it cleared the field and squashed me over the next two turns.
A loss - to Jake!!!!!!!!! - Head to be banged against a wall 20 times to make up for it (Jakes head not mine!)
We played a friendly after while waiting for the next round and I walked ALL over him! Such is life of 1 game drafts!

Round Three: Jamie
Another blimming shamen! this time in the form of Grennan. Unfortunatly for me in this game the cards just did not flow! Frost shocked all over the place, Greefer stoping me completing any quests for 2 rounds until I got rid of him, Big beefy mobs beating into me and Flame Shock. The game tood a while but in the end I was overwhelmed!
Another loss - To jamie in draft is acceptable - Just 3 head bangings against a wall (Again Jakes and not mine!)

The Loot:
The way we avoid rare drafting - This is practice for the nationals after all!!! - is to put all the rares/epics out after the tourney and in order of first to last pick a card. My abysmal performance ment I didn't get the leeroy or the magni, which are both needed for my collection, but I did end up with the following

1> Aimed Shot (Needed for the MM hunter deck once FoO is released)
2> Herod's Shoulder (Valueable Card)
3> Arcane Power (For and Arcane mage deck)
4> Bloodrage (Awsome warrior draw power!)

Magni in the deck was a bad idea! I should have left him out because I was never realisticaly going to get upto 9 resources as I was lacking the stall power for that.
As I was lacking any form of GY recursion in any of the cards I drafted it might have been a better idea to have run with Grumpherys and not take the aimed shot - at least that way I could have given one of the blood claw's a turn of almost total protection.
The eye of rend was pointless and I only had two weapons and so I think I would have been better leaving it out.

Well Saturday & Sunday are FoO pre-release events so I get to play with new cards in draft am looking forward to it :)
Tourney reports will be posted up here and on Zapped Giants.



For the first time in over a year, could be as much as 2-3 years!!!! I logged into BlogShares. For those that don't know BlogShares is an online stock market game. Where players get to buy and sell shares in Blogs! A blogs value is based on the value of incomming links and how people have been buying and selling the shares.

It appears that I'm quite well off these days! While only having shares in 5 blogs, the value in one is a nice B$8,900,828.64. (the B$ is a blogshare dollar). Add to this my idea commodities (blogs generate these in there industrys and if you own enough you can buy artifacts that do nifty things) worth about B$212,002,422.06. Finally my cash on hand being B$513,466,761.92.
So with a current net worth of B$735,056,453.50 its time to start playing again and making MORE B$!!!

To do this I have a plan! I'm going to start adding the WoW blogs I read to the index, one by one. For each i'll buy all the shares I can for it, then I'll add another blog that links to the first one :)


7 August 2007

Pendragon Campaign (1)

Over the time we have been playing this game we have had several players come and go sometimes after a few seasions and sometimes after months. The characters that have been there from the start though are mine and Rich's; the Warrior Druid and the Irish Huntsman.

Chris who is running the game has made some changes to the magic rules by scaling everything down a step. So Weeks > Days, Days > Hours, Hours > Minutes, Minutes > Turns. This has made the system usable with a magic using characters who is an ongoing character.

So, who is Craig Liamson? He was a young druid, trained by his grandfather, recently initiated who had the desire to travel Albion's sites of power. So he set off on his wandering across a land in turmoil armed with his mace and magical talent for protection.

Two years later he found himself in Salisbury and after an incident with a Fae court ended up as friends with Kian (the insane Irish Huntsman) and a man at arms for the Earl. So began the growing legend that is Craig Liamson, founder of the House of Ravens.


4 August 2007

Consortium Exalted!

After a few hours of grinding today I finally got the last 4k honour needed for exalted with the Consortium :) About time, as I've been putting it off for months. This makes 20 factions complete and only a few more TBC ones left to go.

With my new found status I went of to Nagrand to get my bag bursting full of rare gems!!! I wish at least I got a Living Ruby tho, which are like gold dust on my server.


Spider Pig

Spider Pig, Spider Pig.
 Does whatever a Spider Pig does.
Can he swing by a web?
 Of course he can't because he's a Pig!

Simpsons the movie! Awsome :) and that song is going to be in my head for ages, wonder how long until I get myself mutes on TS during the next raid.....



Just finished rewatching Hex - both Season One and Season Two. And I think I was more impressed the second time round than the first. And it really gets to me that they axed it rather than making a third season. What this show really needs is a conclusion, a third season of about the length of the first (6 Episodes) more would be to much based on the situation at the close of the second.

Now there are those who say that Hex is an adult buffy - to that I can say "GET REAL". Don't get me wrong I AM a buffy fan, (thats the in a show sense. for characters i'm a HUGE Willow & Anya fan....). I just find it irritating the way people broadly compare shows that happen to be in the same Genre.

Buffy is about a girl who kills Vampires, and later on demons - its mythos is of multiple dimensions of demonic realms. Its roots are more from fantasy.

Hex is about Fallen Angles, temptation, even love with someone you know is Evil. The second series has Ella, nearly 500 years old and and dedicated to preventing Azazeal's son being born. Its roots are much more Biblical in nature.

Similarities - A school, some one who kills evil things, ... Thats about it. Hex is an Awsome show and should be judged on its own merits not compared to something it holds very little in common with!


3 August 2007

Roleplay, Intro Post

I've been roleplaying since I started uni way back in 95! And currently I'm playing two campaigns one is Vampire and the other Pendragon. I will be posting about the games as they happen with some extra posts about whats happened so far. This is the intro post so some introduction about my chars :)

Campaign 1 - Vampire the Masquarade (2nd Ed revised)
Yup we are playing the old world of darkness storyteller system, the reason being that while I have purchased the core books for the new WoD - Which has a much neater and slicker system - my friends aren't particualy interested in it. (Thats what happens to old people!!!)
The game is being run by my friend G and its the first campaign she has run for multiple people in years and years and years! And as far as I know its only the 2nd ever so we get away with loads we maybe shouldn't do!
My character is called Zoe Gallows a 7th Generation Lasombra (We tend to play high powered games as well - Think its an ego thing).

Campaign 2 - Pendragon (Edition ?? First time I've played this system)
In this system we get to be Knights! well thats if you play a standard campaign (hahaha as if that will ever happen). My current character is Craig Liamson, druid - and now Earl of Hartford. This system is intriging as its a dynastic game - so that when you characters get kill off or die of old age your next character is one of your children! Fortunatly Craig has several of them :)

Thats about it for this post.

The secret of the FALSE Caffiene

Ok as proof I am 100% in my right mind I am going to tell the world the TRUTH about that wonderful drug Caffiene and the attrocities that have been caused because of it!

Tea Leafs naturally contain Caffiene and Coffee Beans are naturally Caffiene free!

You may now be wondering how you get DeCaffienated tea and coffee with Caffiene? The answer is horrific, brutal and tragic. At night time when no one is looking the Coffiene beans sneak into the tea leaf fields and steal it!!!! I did say it was horrific!

The result of this evil act is you get yuck tasting and pointless Tea, and Coffee - the FALSE caffiene - which tastes as bad!

That people is a true fact I made up.



I've been thinking of making a blog on and off for ages and now I've finally decided to make the whole world suffer and start one. So this is now the place to dump my thoughts on my hobbies, life and other wierd ideas that may pop into my head.

My hobbies are (and this is what I will talk about) :-

World of Warcraft, the PC game- I'm beyond cure for this addiction!
World of Warcraft, the TCG - It gets me away from my PC and I'm resonably good at it!
Roleplay - Thats Pen & Paper like Vampire, Shadowrun etc
