15 September 2009

Such is the way of WoW!

Its taken two weeks for me to get my current thoughts into words, and those who think mmo's are just games won't understand but tough!

Thursdays raid we went through and killed the just opened last boss in Trial of the Crusade and started onto the hard mode versions. Plus I got the first peice of the new set of tiered armour.

Friday I missed the raid because of a friends birthday.

Saturday I logged on to discover what had happened.

Most of the officers and a large group of the guilds raiders had split to form a new guild with some of the raiders from Eureka. So two guilds those 2nd & 3rd on the server alliance side die. 

And now the bit that may not make sense to those who don't understand, I currently feel like a group of people, including some I would have considered friends, have effectivly said "sorry you can't play this game any more". Yup I could join another raiding guild, and probably will. But I will have to move backwards and I've done that before and is pissed me off totally.

At the moment just logging into wow makes me depressed as hell, I'll get over it eventually but for the moment I am just fed up.
