22 August 2009


Just watched the class & professions panel and...


At long last hunters are losing mana for focus :D

4 August 2009

Link Tooltips

Hopefully the link at the end of this sentence should have a tool tip! Siren's Cry.

And this is me on WoW Armoury Light - Wispcat.

Argent Tournament Dailies

I’ve become a champion of Ironforge today completing all 5 alliance factions. Which means no more stupid Jousting. At least till patch 3.2 - Tomorrow.....

The reason it’s stupid? Well to start with I thought it was a cool idea and once I got over the idiosyncrasies it is also easy. But coming back after a long break from doing it I have been reminded of the bits that bug me.

1. The NPC’s do not appear to suffer from GCD. This means they can throw a lance and then instantly charge.
2. The NPC’s can do instant 180 degree turns, I have to turn in a circle unless I jump turn but even that is slow.

Now if the above two points didn’t happen it would probably be slightly easier, but it would be more fun if trying to out manoeuvre your opponents had a point.
