8 January 2009

Playing Warcraft Catchup Again!

Its been a very long time since my last world of warcraft post. Initially because I was a bit fed up at the time, and later because I can be a lazy git! Well as I said in my new year post its time to start talking, once more, to my imaginary audience. 

So in roughly chronological order here’s a rundown of what has been happening.

  • Due to poor attendance the GM of Dice called a raiding break for the summer period…. Over the next two months, yup TWO MONTHS! People understandably left to guilds that where not taking stupidly long raiding breaks.
  • Being the kind of person who has never left a guild lightly I stayed around until September when raiding was planned to recommence. But the guild was pretty much dead at that point. So I left the guild.
  • Within a few days some friends invited me into “The Exalted”. Now the main members of this guild where key members of my second raiding guild “Exalted”, way back in the days when MC & BWL where the places to raid. Why a different name? well that’s maybe a story for another time. The plan was to do 10 man content once WotLK was released.
  • A few weeks later I got a whisper from an officer in Elysium, I’d applied to join them ages ago. Well here was a chance to raid SWP to see and master the final raid of the Burning Crusade which I had almost given up hope for. So I joined Elysium.
  • Once by one the bosses died, clearing up to Muru by the time patch 3 hit and all the mechanics changed in preparation for the second expansion. Muru and Kil'jaeden soon died. I have to say raiding then was a pleasure, this guild was mature and the raiding atmosphere was reasonably relaxed.
  • While not raiding I started working on the new achievements and maxing out more factions to exalted.
  • A week off work to play wrath. And OMG Blizzard have learned loads. The quest lines flow together, you talk to an NPC about a quest and those around them actually listen and offer there own quests! Then there is the phasing technology, as you follow the story lines the zones change to reflect what has happened. This whole new way of doing things adds to the feeling of immersion, to the feeling that what you are doing has AN IMPACT. Unlike the Sunwell where the changing was server wide, this is done on a player by player basis.
  • Level 80 was reached during that week off work, as per the plan.
  • In the month and a bit that has followed we have cleared Naxxramus the introduction level 80 raid and the two single boss raids Eye of Eternity & Obsidian Sanctum. Hopefully the next raid Uldar will be more challenging! But while waiting for that content patch the achievement system gives ways of doing the raids in harder and more challenging ways for greater rewards and loot!

And that sort of brings me up to date. I’ll cover my new obsession, achievements, in another post!


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