8 January 2009


There are those who hate them, claiming they are just another grind, and there are those like me who think they are a great addition. Some off them keep track of the things in the game that interest me anyway such as reputations!

So achievements are earned for all sorts of things and some of the harder one even come with bonuses like vanity pets, mounts and titles. Each achievement also awards achievement points, there is no use for these apart from as a measure of progression.

My personal land mark achievements so far have been.

  • Complete 3000 quests – “Wispcat the Seeker”
  • Complete the fishing achievements – “Salty Wispcat”
  • Exalted with 40 factions – “Wispcat the Exalted”

Now as achievements are something I wish to complete all off!!!! I’ve added my current score to the counters on right side of the blog. 

Finally there is a web site that crawls the EU & US armouries for each characters achievement points allowing you to easily compare yourself! This site, Achievement Tracker, appears to update on every Sunday and I’ve added it in my wow links, pre-filtered to Aszune.


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