29 September 2007

Ogri'la and that rep block!

Decided I needed to to some daily quests as gold is beginning to run lower than I would like, so off to BEM and the Ogre daily's. Bomb some demons first with the new cooldown of 5 seconds rather than 10. (Made it a lot more fun due to me flying through a lot more flak trying to get it done as quick as pos). Any way back to hand it in and I get 500 Ogri'la rep!

mmmm, strange

Next off to banish some demons for the next quest, easy peasy, and return to hand it in to the ogres and 350 Ogri'la rep!

Now this is good! as I get the last 999 needed to max out and complete the faction. The problem is WHY O WHY O WHY did I not get rep from killing demons the same day I had just hit 0/1000 exalted?????

But I am happy now!


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