11 September 2007

Another Game

Couple of days ago I finally got around to setting up a face book account. Then added on the game Warbook which is what this post is all about.

Warbook, is a simplified variant of a game a friend of mine played online a couple of years ago. Basically it’s a case make soldiers, build on your land, then explore or conquer more land from other people.

You start by choosing your hero’s type – I went with mage which has a good magical power and regenerated mana fastest. Not going to describe the others from here as this post is about buildings. Well it will be when I’ve finished the intro!

Every one can make soldiers – 1 Attack/1 Defence, - knights 3 Attack/1 Defence – pike men 1 Attack/3 Defence. Then there is a special unit whose stats depend on your class, in my case these are Wizards 5 Attack/3 Defence.

Now we get onto buildings. On your land you can build several types of structure all of which will cost you 500 gold each. Some classes get bonuses to there structures but that’s irrelevant atm.

Mines – You get increased revenue from lands with mines.

Forts – Increase your defence
Training Grounds – Increase your attack

Barracks – Reduce your training costs (Recruiting soldiers and upgrading them the other 3 types)

Amplifiers – Increase your magic attack
Barriers – Increase your magic defence

Ok, looks simple enough really but apart from mines, where if you double the number you have you also double the income earned from them, its not so simple. You see for the other structures there effectiveness is based on the % of land they cover. As you expand you need to build more to get the same effect. I find this an interesting concept to work with and means you have to think carefully about what you intend to do! For example if you have lots of Training Grounds then you need less soldiers to attack and capture land but that could mean your defence is weaker.

Well my initial target is –
Mines 25%, Forts 30%, Training Grounds 20%, Barracks 10%, Barriers 10%, Amplifiers 5%

The large amount of defence is meant to discourage others from attacking me, while I build up my army. The 20% on attack is to assist me in conquering land and therefore earning experience to level up.
Can’t see a point in having a bigger amount of Barracks as gold is not a major issue.
The magical attack is low because until I increase my army and level, most of my mana is being used to spy on and survey the lands of other heroes as well as casting the alchemy spell to create more gold. When I’ve levelled up quite a bit and have lots more mana I will increase the MA while reducing my PA.

Ok the moral of this story is… who am I kidding this is not an American film and therefore pointless moralising is not required! So I’ll leave it here.


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