14 September 2007

Countdown to the UK Nationals (8 days)

Well last night was the penultimate draft event at Pheonix Games before the nationals next weekend and it was a good one!

On the plus side I think I am getting better and drafted both well and aggresively. The packs I opened really helped as well too!

1) Heros of Azeroth and the rare was Flame Wrath that ubre polearm of Onyixa whelp slayage! also a bomb card in draft as it can clear the field of weenies! Later on I had a choice of Acolyte Demia and Medoc Spiritwarden - at the time it was tough but Demia won because she is controlled board clearance. As I'd also picked up a Donna Calister, an awsome protector! Plus an Eye of Rend to work with my weapon, I was happy with the first set!

2) Dark Portal and the rare was Lightning Reflexes. ... There was no way in hell I was going to let that card move round as it is POWERFUL!
A bit later a Chops was round so I took him and the pack after was a Hootie, that decided me the drenai survival hunter - Kana. Picked up some Boots to keep my feet warm and a bomb in the form of Bretander of the Claw. Still happy so far :)

3) Fires of Outlands. With these sets I picked up loads of healers! Three Hailey Goodchiledes, Nalkus and Neeka. Hailey is an awsome combo with both Donna and Demia. Picked up some more protectors mainly the instant Christopher the Devout and the impressive Kulvo Jadefist.
To round the two packs of with this set I picked up a Timeslicer as a second weapon.

Well the matches!
Round 1 was vs Chris from Pheonix Games playing Azarak, making it a hunter v hunter showdown. He had shelly's, lots of em! and I had Flamewrath, protectors and annoying healers! I won :)

Round 2 was vs Spectral Tiger's Chris (hes called that because he has pulled TWO spectral tiger loots cards!!!). This time it was
hunter vs paladin. Can I just say He had a god damn TWIG!!! Fortunatly I had Bretander to protect me, nicely combined with Hailey to heal him. An appearance by Demia and of course the flame wrath ment that in the end I won :)

Round 3 was vs Jack. Hunter vs Druid. Close match up but I go Lightning Reflexes and then Flamewrath out and racing him to his flip for damage - Fortunatly for me I kept the field clear and his flip would have left him 3 damage short - I win again!

So in the end a 3/0 win. Picked up a Shadow Fiend and 4th Vindicator's Gauntlets in the picks afterwards.


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