10 September 2007

Mirror Match

Sunday was the monthly wow event at Pheonix Games. This time we did a 3 round constructed plus 3 round draft tournament. The best game of constructed I have yet played was me vs Jack in round three. And as we where stress testing one of our deck ideas for the nationals it was a mirror match. Third round and its one game each, the plays where almost identical for the first four or five rounds.

The situation then, both of us dual wielding two Wraith Scythes with a bow to hit back with when attacked, and effectivly every attack that was made would fully heal the attacker. The ONLY way to win was to do 30 damage in a single turn. Both of us using our quests and hoping to draw the cards that will fill the gap in damage from the weapons and 30.

Time was called on my turn and so I didn't attack with the scythes and just used the bow. Jack went all out on his next turn and with the use of an ability and playing an instant weapon he got the damage over 30. Fortunatly for me I had kept the scythes back and also playing an instant weapon I pushed my damage up enough to cause a mutual kill. The tie breaker and Jack lucked out on his starting hand, I didn't.

Then it was the draft, first pack Predatory Strikes, ok I'm going to play druid. Started drafting hoarde allies (afterwards I realised this was stupid and I should have gone alliance for Telrander's flip). Dark portal pack and two Cat Forms came my way, with a Call of the Wild. Did a bit of hate drafting of Grovewalkers, took 3 in total, and I was set.

Lost the second game to Jake, aka the "Annoying Little One" but thats ok his drafting skills are seriously improving and I lost by just one turn. If only his talking would also improve - I.e. more silence less words!

Final result 4/2. Beating Jake on tiesbreakers for 2nd.


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