14 October 2010


And so the pre-cataclysm patch has arrived and it did come to pass that the nutter (that's me by the way!) Returned once more to Azeroth.

I spent several hours yesterday sorting out my interface. Pretty much rebuilding it up from scratch, changing where I put my bars and ui elements on the screen. Rewriting my power auras procs. Still not happy but a few heroics should help me tidy up better!

Next came the playing with the target dummies and the full impact of the fundamental change to my class now hits home! Its going to take some time to get used managing focus rather than mana, a task made harder by having to learn new hot key sequences. It amazes me that after all this down time from the game I still remember what my old hot keys did! This problem will be helped out with a judicious use of heroics over the next few weeks.

So what else has happened and what are my plans upto the 7th of December, well thanks for asking me that me as it's a question I can answer!

1) I plan to hit the five man heroics pretty hard, just because I can build up on the justice points to improve my a but and to hit the hard cap going into cata, I'm pretty sure that there is a cap.

2) Relearn how to play my class obviously.

3) Pick up one of each pet useful for raiding and dungeons.

4) Get my guild sorted out, in our private channel we are thinking of just putting together for ten man raiding, which is actually fine by me.

5) See what events there atte running up to release date! I have already noticed the earth rumbling in Ironforge.

And that's about it for now!

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