11 June 2009

The 700th Junk Box.

On Tuesday night I was on standby for the raid and so made use of my time in collecting another 150 heavy junk boxes in Tyr’s hand, passing the halfway point in the process! I’m down to a mere 13 hours of farming left! so am expecting to be exalted with Ravenholt a week on Friday!

On another goal I made up my first Outlands DMF deck in time for this month’s Fair and put myself onto 0/12000 Honoured. From farming the materials for making the outland cards I have noticed the real slow down factor is the Primal Life. Even buying all the stuff on the AH it doesn’t keep up with pigment from the 50% herbs.

So the plan to deal with this is finish of Ravenholt and then get Sneakycat up five more levels to 65 so she can get Wrath inscription to make Northrend DMF cards. Once that’s done I will have a reason to get the Druid up to 78 for herb farming, It also means I can buy and mill the new herbs which have a much bigger supply on the AH!


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