11 December 2007

The World of Warcraft Catchup Post!

A lot has happened since my last post on WOW or anything else for that matter! - This has mainly been due to laziness. - So here is the first of my catch up posts.

Starting with Raids

Kael'thas Sunstrider died on the 21st of November. And I got the T5 chest giving me a 4 piece set bonus :)

We then spent a couple of weeks of attuning the rest of the guild to Mount Hyjal. Before entering it for the first time on the 2nd of December, which I missed, on the 3rd tho we one shotted Winterchill! and by the end of the evening Anetheron was also dead. After Kael & Vashj these 
bosses are a walk in the park.

Last night we took our first steps into the Black Temple. All seemed ok until we wasted a criminaly stupid amount of time wiping on the penultimate batch of adds before the first boss. Once that was dealt with it was time to learn! Best attempt a 4% wipe. He is sooo going down on the next visit.

Moving onto Reputation

Steam Wheedle Cartel rep is moving along nicely as and when I get the chance to visit Dire Maul. Down to 41 Knot rescues to max out all 4 factions at 999/1000 exalted.

Exodar rep is also finally done, completing the 5 Alliance factions.

With the change in Wintersabre Trainer rep for a furball killing trip, from 75 a hand in to 250, I've once again started working on this faction. Once I reach honoured (8 more trips) I can include the giant killing quest as well. This repeatable has also increased in rep from 75 upto 350. This will make 600 rep a round trip - questimate average is 20-30 mins a time. The mount will be mine eventually!

Finally there are the factions for MH & BT which will slowly climb to exalted as we raid.

Now my Alts

I have been working on leveling alts in order to have every profession covered. The current state of play with this is as follows: -

Feltomoon Mage (48) - Tailor/Alchemist
- I've had this char since before TBC was released, when it was my lvl 35 (highest it needed to be) transmute alt, hence the name!

Kyella Shamen (26) - Engineer/Jewelcrafter
- Jewelcrafting is obvious as its a Drenai! This character was a miner, but once I started the druid it was switched to Engineering instead.

Playcat Druid (29) - Miner/Herbalist
- Ok so the name is not very inventive but so what! I needed a gatherer who can stealth instances and I am NEVER going to level a rogue on principle. When it hit level 70 I will buy the epic flying mount riding skill level and switch Wisp back from Herbalist to Skinner.

Erikka Warrior (22) - Blacksmith/Enchanter
- First of leveling a warrior, even as fury is HELL. This char covers the remaining two professions and as I won't play a rogue these two go well together. Basically at level 70 it will be able to solo DM North tribute runs, using skeleton keys, and then shard all the blue loot. This will help to supply Wisp with the LBS needed for Shen'drelar rep! Because they are currently about 10g each on the AH and I need hundreds!

While I am trying to get them all to at least 60 before WotLK is released, the most important is Playcat, as I need wisp to be a skinner again! Second is the mage to transmute whatever new items will be needed.


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