31 October 2007

Some Turbulent Times

Not posted on anything for a while! been sort of busy and not really in the mood. Part of the problem has been some trouble in the guild. We've had people leave get annoyed with each other etc and raiding was suffering :( Part of the problem was our GM becoming a father and having less time to RL or be online. Our other raid leader is "Under the Thumb" of his girlfriend and can't raid any more either.

But now things have changed. A lot of new experienced people some more leavers and a restucturing of the guild. So now there is a Guild Council of 3 in charge. Then a Raid Council of 3 who RL and decide on tactics. And finally the class leaders of which I am the new hunter CL :)

First task - find out what my hunters gear is like, and swap in an out to get them upto speed asap! Which is why I'm writing this and playing on an alt rather than being in SSC.


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