23 March 2013


A year and a half(ish) since my last post...

That is so not good!!! I need to work out what I'm going to blog about! Since I'm burnt out on MMOs! I've tried a few since wow - such as guild wars 2, and I'm pretty sure my MMO days are over!

This makes me sad when I think about it, but is probably for the best! as I have an addictive personality - by that I mean I find something that interests me and focus on it to the exclusion of all else. Until the next thing comes along! And as I've got older I've seen that change - 5-6 year of wow to the exclusion of almost every other game!!!!!! And the longest game addiction since was mine craft - you its been out for year but for some reason in January I decided to try it and there went Jan  Feb & march! But 3-4 month and I'm looking for the next game.... Nothing like 5+ years of wow!!!!!

OK so the point of this barely coherent nonsense? well I have no idea! hell of a week of work and I've cancelled my annual leave over Easter - first time I will have worked this fortnight in my entire 14-15 years of working life!!!!! So... I'm, drunk :) That bottle of JD literally sang to me with its siren call :)

well my dear imaginary readers I promise I will find something to write about in the next couple of weeks (Its just been added to the list of life alterations I decided to enact after my last birthday).

Till later this is 



Creloce said...

Warcraft will never be the same since vanilla\TBC, wtb time machine.

Akuru said...

I've just come across this googling my name :) it mad me smile!
I don't even know if you'll read this! but myself and dhark and a few other RL are going to be giving a bit classic ago on the server mirage raceway..
hope all is well my old friend, /bow :Wipekuru