25 March 2009

Accounting of Time

So last night I hit neutral with the goblins of the cartel and because it was only about 10:30 I pushed onwards to Friendly. So the halve way point has been reached and passed. The planed timeline is now:-

Wednesday – Minimum (3/6 Friendly), Best (0/12 Honoured)
Thursday – Minimum (0/12 Honoured), Best (3/12 Honoured)
Friday – Minimum (6/12 Honoured), Best (3/21 Revered)
Saturday – Minimum (3/21 Revered), Best (15/21 Revered)
Sunday – Minimum (12/21 Revered), Best (Exalted)
Monday – Minimum (18/21 Revered)
Tuesday – Minimum (Exalted)
Wednesday – Possible Patch Day but I hope not!

Ok these targets will take a lot of time, so only minimal Rogue levelling which is another reason I hope that patch isn’t next week! Now we are going to imagine that the patch hasn’t hit. It’s been a while since I levelled a toon to 60 and never in such a rush so I’m going to make some guesstimates on time to level. Up to 40 – 2 hours per level, up to 50 – 2.5 hours per level, up to 60 – 3 hours per level. Currently at level 24. 16 levels till 40 = 32 hours, 10 levels to 50 = 25 hours, 10 levels to 60 = 30 hours. Total 32+25+30 = 87 hours until level 60… This seems a bit high. Time will tell I suppose.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking for an update on Wispcat's progress. I am doing this insane task on the Kul Tiras server and it is a slow arduous task. My farming DK is lvl 64 now, so 1 more lvl to go to train for Grand Master Inscription (& Herbing), and ultimately card making. I am only 4k/12k on DMF rep.