26 February 2009

Insane in the Membrane

The ultimate feat of strength is coming in patch 3.10! This feat gives the title suffix of “the Insane”. So what do I need to do to achieve this? Well…

Shen’dralar – Exalted …done
Steamwheedle Cartel – Exalted …done
Ravenholdt – Exalted …mmm ok
Darkmoon Faire – Exalted …that’s expensive!
Bloodsail Buccaneers – Honoured … FECK!!!

So on the positive side I can do Raven & DMF from playing the AH for lockboxes and cards. If I give Deathcat inscription I can even make my own cards. These two factions will take a while and probably cost a fair amount but with dailies etc the funds needed can be acquired.

The problem comes with the Bloodsail. You see to get rep I need to kill Booty Bay Bruisers which loses Booty Bay rep. And then once I have got Bloodsail rep up high enough I will need to grind DM for Knot releases to get back up from 0/36000 hated to exalted.

Exalted 999  
Revered 21,000 
Honored 12,000
Friendly 6,000 
Neutral 3,000  
Unfriendly 3,000  
Hostile 3,000  
Hated 36,000

So I am currently at about 6000/36000 hated rep with the bloodsail, so based on the chart above to hit honoured I would need 30+3+3+3+6 = 45000 rep. Each dead bruiser is worth 25 rep so I would need to kill 45000/25 = 1800 of them. 
That would be stage one completed but those 1800 bruisers would have cost be 125 Booty Bay rep each which is more than enough to drop my rep with them to 0/36000 hated.

Stage two is to get my Steamwheedle rep back upto exalted which from the chart is a tiny 84000 rep. To do this I'd need to make a couple of Knot runs to DM worth 350 rep each. Clarifying “a couple” gives 84000/350 = 240 trips. At level 70 I averaged about 3 an hour, from what I've been told at level 80 that should be upto 5. So I'm looking at 48 hours worth of farming in DM to get my rep back!!!

Well that is actually a scary amount of work so I had better get started! Bye Bye what sanity I had left.


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