4 June 2008

New Trinket

Last night I got my first bit of Black Temple loot in over a month. From the Illidari council comes.

On our Illidan attempts during the rest of the evening I recon the proc is up at least 33% of time which is nice as it lifts my armour penetration to 586. Plus I saw it refresh itself before the duration was up, this is good because it shows the trinket doesn't have a hidden internal cooldown.
The major bonus from the trinket for me tho is the 20 hit rating, this allows me to swap my 3 orange HR gems (total +13 HR, +13 Agi) for yellow crit gems (+26CR). I will hit 33% crit unbuffed eventually (a random target pulled out of the air).

Talking about crit not sure what is a good amount the more the better I suppose. As I'm using a 3/2 Steady/Auto macro and Steady shot has a 1.5 second cast (without haste buffs) this means in theory every 4.5seconds I have fired 5 shots. So an average of one crit a "cycle" would be 20% i.e. one crit every 4.5seconds. Which is crap. So if I wanted twice as many crits it would be 40% and one ever 2.25seconds. Fractions are annoying so I think I'll like to round down to one crit every 2 seconds. A quick bit of maths…

There is a shot every 0.9 seconds so S = 0.9. And we will say that T is the time between critical hits. Finally we sill say the C is the % chance of a critical. Putting this together we get a nice little formula.

S/C = T (If we have a 20% crit chance this gives > 0.9/0.2 = T = 4.5)

Ok now we want to know the crit % needed for 1 every 2 seconds giving us.

S/T = C (0.9/2 = C = 0.45)

So from a quick bit of theory crafting based on an assumption that the 3/2 macro gives me 5 shots every 4.5 seconds I have aquired my target crit % (raid buffed) to get a crit every 2 seconds.


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