24 April 2008

So Whats Been Happening? Part 3

Online Games

On blog shares I’ve sort of only stating paying attention to it again in the last couple of weeks, so not a huge amount to say. I am still working on getting ideas in every industry and every artefact.
Did find one industry I’d brought 1000 or so ideas in relatively cheaply that was now worth orders of magnitude more! So sold all but one and jumped from B$25 Billion to B$225 billion cash in hand! Dumped 75 of that into my investment in the Blogshares Bears Corp leaving me with 150 Billion there and the same as free capitol. Another nice thing to come back to is the rise in value of some ideas has made me a trillionaire.

At the start of the year I spent some time messing around on a game called Duels, there is a link in the side bar. It’s an amusing time killer but has too much luck involved to keep me interested for long periods of time. Basically you fight other players and bots. Use special moves and different equipment. But it’s a case of set your character up and let it go. As I said it kills time every now and then.

The other game I’ve have been playing, a very recent discovery is PoxNora. Its interesting, basically a “Collectable Turn Base Strategy Game”. You buy “Packs” of runes and then use your collection to assemble a 20 rune “Deck” which is used to play the game. A nice touch is that the Champion runes (the characters as opposed to Spell, Equipment & Relic runes) gain experience during each battle that can be used to upgrade them. There is a sample set for each of the 8 faction you can use to play and I think I’ll use them till I have learnt how to play and stand a chance of winning this game or get bored! Before I sink any real money into packs.


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