13 December 2007

The World of Warcraft TCG Catchup Post

Well, loads has gone on since the last post!

Darkmoon Fair London - Got into the draft, where I pulled a Stronghold Gauntlets :) Also for top 64 got an Onyxia playmat. This was my second one so I gave it to Chris from Pheonix (the only trader in the event) and sold it for £20. That was my entry fee back + £10 on top :) Overall a fun trip!

The worlds came and went, the 4th set - March of the legion has been released - I've qualified for next years regionals.

Tonight was the City Championship (not sure how often these are going to be tho!) and my winning deck was: -

Kassandra Flameheart

Allies [31]
4x Bloodsoul
4x Scout Omerrta
4x Scraps
4x Kagella Shadowmark
4x Broan Charges-the-Fight
2x Nyn'jah
2x Instructor Antheol
4x Fury
1x King Mukla
1x The Abominable Greench
1x Varimathras

Abilities [14]
4x Bestial Wrath
3x Wing Clip
4x Master of the Hunt
3x Trophy Kill

Quests [16]
4x Solanian's Belongings
3x Chasing A-Me 01
2x Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service
4x The Reason for the Season
3x Torek's Assault

Side Deck [10]
4x Bloody Welcome
3x Sonic Spear
2x Spirit Bond
1x Thunderfury

The deck is aggressive. Using similar principles to Omedus rush in the use of Broan & Kagella. I have gone for allies that on the whole have 3 or more health - this is due to the increasing amount of cards that do damage across the field, the bane of most rush!

Bloodsoul is an awsome card. 2/3 for 1! True it can only attack heros but who cares! And scraps! a 4/3 for 2!

Anyway the changes that I'm going to make straight away are dropping the 3 big cards (one 7 & two 9 drops) in exchange for 3x Bloodblade, a 5/5 for 4 that can only attack heros.

When the end of December comes round the Reason's will of course be dropped, and I'll up Torek's to 4, Chasing to 4.  And probably but not definatly Finkles' to 4 as well.

As far as the side deck goes, the Thunderfury and spirit bond's are out. I may replace the sonic spears with Ally based equipment destruction. As for the last few cards, not sure - ability hate maybe. Will decide for next Thursdays event :)


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