29 September 2007

Ogri'la and that rep block!

Decided I needed to to some daily quests as gold is beginning to run lower than I would like, so off to BEM and the Ogre daily's. Bomb some demons first with the new cooldown of 5 seconds rather than 10. (Made it a lot more fun due to me flying through a lot more flak trying to get it done as quick as pos). Any way back to hand it in and I get 500 Ogri'la rep!

mmmm, strange

Next off to banish some demons for the next quest, easy peasy, and return to hand it in to the ogres and 350 Ogri'la rep!

Now this is good! as I get the last 999 needed to max out and complete the faction. The problem is WHY O WHY O WHY did I not get rep from killing demons the same day I had just hit 0/1000 exalted?????

But I am happy now!


Solarian Down

On tuesday we went and we killed her :) Third day of attempts, I missed Sunday's due to the UK Nats - will get around to posting about that sometime soonish, I hope.

And on Wednesday the new patch 2.2 changes the fight! so tomorrow we will get to see how different this makes it.

No picture I'm afraid as they are coming out terrible :( but will add on after the next kill.

Anyway we have had 3 Vashj kills so far in three weeks so she is close to being counted as on farm (Unlike the other 2 guilds who got there first kills the week they did... there still waiting for number 2!)


18 September 2007

High Astromancer Solarian

So with SSC cleared this raid week, its time to start working on the last 2 bosses in tempest keep! So of we go and stupidly wipe on the first group of trash!!! On the plus side one of them dropped my first bit of loot for the night :).

Al'ar was reached and on the second attempt downed - that makes twice for the guild - and lo and behold Netherbane drops again. Unfortunatly I wasn't allowed a matching pair yet as our guild leader wanted his first one.

Onwards to the Loot Reaver, spanked him easily. I also sent blackwind in towards the end and noticed he wasn't taking too much damage from the ground pounding. I think next week I'll keep him in for most of the fight as with Mend pet up he should survive ok. Look Reaver dropped 2x Hunter/Mage/Lock shoulder meaning I now have my 2 set bonus :) Two bits of loot in one night! Nice.

Finally onto Solarian. Which is the point of this whole post, honest, I mean I didn't really just want to show my new gear. Intersting fight this. Even after halve a night of wiping on her I think most of the raid is getting the idea of what is needed. Should be better next time as well now we've recruited an extra mage!

That'll do for now have thinks to do :)


16 September 2007

Vashj Dead!

Vashj is DEAD! Three more attempts, one a silly messup in phase 1, one was phase 3 but messy at the end of phase 2, third was the charm and she died! That has been an awsome Moral boost for Prometheus. We have beaten the Guild Killer intact :)


Lady Vashj at 1%

Tonight has been awsome! We have got to stage three, 3 times so far - 2 messy and not worth mentioning, but the third! We got the bitch down to 1%

Hopefully a Kill post will follow SOON


14 September 2007

A Milestone Passed

Have passed the 1000 mark for industries in which I own ideas. Admittidly there are currently 5255 more to go, but its a number where I can say things are going well!

On the other hand my Karma collection is falling behind! For this I will blame Jack who has been crashing at my place the last week or so and stealing my PC!


Countdown to the UK Nationals (8 days)

Well last night was the penultimate draft event at Pheonix Games before the nationals next weekend and it was a good one!

On the plus side I think I am getting better and drafted both well and aggresively. The packs I opened really helped as well too!

1) Heros of Azeroth and the rare was Flame Wrath that ubre polearm of Onyixa whelp slayage! also a bomb card in draft as it can clear the field of weenies! Later on I had a choice of Acolyte Demia and Medoc Spiritwarden - at the time it was tough but Demia won because she is controlled board clearance. As I'd also picked up a Donna Calister, an awsome protector! Plus an Eye of Rend to work with my weapon, I was happy with the first set!

2) Dark Portal and the rare was Lightning Reflexes. ... There was no way in hell I was going to let that card move round as it is POWERFUL!
A bit later a Chops was round so I took him and the pack after was a Hootie, that decided me the drenai survival hunter - Kana. Picked up some Boots to keep my feet warm and a bomb in the form of Bretander of the Claw. Still happy so far :)

3) Fires of Outlands. With these sets I picked up loads of healers! Three Hailey Goodchiledes, Nalkus and Neeka. Hailey is an awsome combo with both Donna and Demia. Picked up some more protectors mainly the instant Christopher the Devout and the impressive Kulvo Jadefist.
To round the two packs of with this set I picked up a Timeslicer as a second weapon.

Well the matches!
Round 1 was vs Chris from Pheonix Games playing Azarak, making it a hunter v hunter showdown. He had shelly's, lots of em! and I had Flamewrath, protectors and annoying healers! I won :)

Round 2 was vs Spectral Tiger's Chris (hes called that because he has pulled TWO spectral tiger loots cards!!!). This time it was
hunter vs paladin. Can I just say He had a god damn TWIG!!! Fortunatly I had Bretander to protect me, nicely combined with Hailey to heal him. An appearance by Demia and of course the flame wrath ment that in the end I won :)

Round 3 was vs Jack. Hunter vs Druid. Close match up but I go Lightning Reflexes and then Flamewrath out and racing him to his flip for damage - Fortunatly for me I kept the field clear and his flip would have left him 3 damage short - I win again!

So in the end a 3/0 win. Picked up a Shadow Fiend and 4th Vindicator's Gauntlets in the picks afterwards.


11 September 2007

Another Game

Couple of days ago I finally got around to setting up a face book account. Then added on the game Warbook which is what this post is all about.

Warbook, is a simplified variant of a game a friend of mine played online a couple of years ago. Basically it’s a case make soldiers, build on your land, then explore or conquer more land from other people.

You start by choosing your hero’s type – I went with mage which has a good magical power and regenerated mana fastest. Not going to describe the others from here as this post is about buildings. Well it will be when I’ve finished the intro!

Every one can make soldiers – 1 Attack/1 Defence, - knights 3 Attack/1 Defence – pike men 1 Attack/3 Defence. Then there is a special unit whose stats depend on your class, in my case these are Wizards 5 Attack/3 Defence.

Now we get onto buildings. On your land you can build several types of structure all of which will cost you 500 gold each. Some classes get bonuses to there structures but that’s irrelevant atm.

Mines – You get increased revenue from lands with mines.

Forts – Increase your defence
Training Grounds – Increase your attack

Barracks – Reduce your training costs (Recruiting soldiers and upgrading them the other 3 types)

Amplifiers – Increase your magic attack
Barriers – Increase your magic defence

Ok, looks simple enough really but apart from mines, where if you double the number you have you also double the income earned from them, its not so simple. You see for the other structures there effectiveness is based on the % of land they cover. As you expand you need to build more to get the same effect. I find this an interesting concept to work with and means you have to think carefully about what you intend to do! For example if you have lots of Training Grounds then you need less soldiers to attack and capture land but that could mean your defence is weaker.

Well my initial target is –
Mines 25%, Forts 30%, Training Grounds 20%, Barracks 10%, Barriers 10%, Amplifiers 5%

The large amount of defence is meant to discourage others from attacking me, while I build up my army. The 20% on attack is to assist me in conquering land and therefore earning experience to level up.
Can’t see a point in having a bigger amount of Barracks as gold is not a major issue.
The magical attack is low because until I increase my army and level, most of my mana is being used to spy on and survey the lands of other heroes as well as casting the alchemy spell to create more gold. When I’ve levelled up quite a bit and have lots more mana I will increase the MA while reducing my PA.

Ok the moral of this story is… who am I kidding this is not an American film and therefore pointless moralising is not required! So I’ll leave it here.


10 September 2007

Mirror Match

Sunday was the monthly wow event at Pheonix Games. This time we did a 3 round constructed plus 3 round draft tournament. The best game of constructed I have yet played was me vs Jack in round three. And as we where stress testing one of our deck ideas for the nationals it was a mirror match. Third round and its one game each, the plays where almost identical for the first four or five rounds.

The situation then, both of us dual wielding two Wraith Scythes with a bow to hit back with when attacked, and effectivly every attack that was made would fully heal the attacker. The ONLY way to win was to do 30 damage in a single turn. Both of us using our quests and hoping to draw the cards that will fill the gap in damage from the weapons and 30.

Time was called on my turn and so I didn't attack with the scythes and just used the bow. Jack went all out on his next turn and with the use of an ability and playing an instant weapon he got the damage over 30. Fortunatly for me I had kept the scythes back and also playing an instant weapon I pushed my damage up enough to cause a mutual kill. The tie breaker and Jack lucked out on his starting hand, I didn't.

Then it was the draft, first pack Predatory Strikes, ok I'm going to play druid. Started drafting hoarde allies (afterwards I realised this was stupid and I should have gone alliance for Telrander's flip). Dark portal pack and two Cat Forms came my way, with a Call of the Wild. Did a bit of hate drafting of Grovewalkers, took 3 in total, and I was set.

Lost the second game to Jake, aka the "Annoying Little One" but thats ok his drafting skills are seriously improving and I lost by just one turn. If only his talking would also improve - I.e. more silence less words!

Final result 4/2. Beating Jake on tiesbreakers for 2nd.


Into the top 500!

My manic buying of Ideas since I discovered the simple method to get new ones has ment my composite rank has now broken me into the top 500 on Blog Shares :)

From here onwards it'll be harder as the gains needed for each extra place become bigger, but I'll keep on moving on up :D


5 September 2007

Al'ar - Dead!

We squashed this silly little birdy on our first attempt of the night :)
and I got an awsome looking new axe! Netherbane

which has stats like this

Now we need to kill him a few more times so I can have a pair of them :)


4 September 2007

The Ideas Market

It appears I have been a dopy and blind Muppet! So as that’s nothing new I’ll continue. For the last few weeks I’ve been looking at recent idea productions and then wandering around the Industries map looking for ones I don’t yet have ideas in. The idea being that once I get some idea’s I can see when more are available from my portfolio.

Then I saw that little line on the Industries Menu – “Ideas Market” – How I have missed this I don’t know! But from here I can see all the industries with ideas available, can hide the ones I have artefacts in already! Sort by price etc…

Needless to say my progress towards getting every artefact and now, as an added part of the plan, 1 idea in every industry, has accelerated



I have finally hit exalted with the Ogres! And that makes 21 Factions at exalted now :)
I say finally because I have been 2 days worth of daily quests off it for about 2 weeks!

The bad news is, well as far as I am concerned, is that my rep hit 0/1000 exalted and stopped :( And its resisting all attempts from the daily quests in moving up to 999/1000 where a faction needs to be to count as “Complete”. I did pick up a dark rune from the demon slaying quests but handing that in didn’t get me 10 rep either…

Will have to see if the controlling demon quest is worth rep for completing. On one hand I hope it does so I can get those last 999 points. On the other hand I hope it doesn’t because that means I’ll have to kill demons every day and learn to get pass stage 2……


Nice People

Just feel the need to say thanks to a couple of people on Blogshares!

The first is Sara Bear. I made a slight mistake when raiding a blog and chose the option next to it – Restructure Blog. The result is I spent about $600,000,000 (about 10-15% of my liquid assests!!!) and got some shares in the blog I was ment to be raiding for ideas! Any way she realised it was a mistake and set all the shares in another blog as compensation – (which will get me around $15M a day from artefact manipulation.

The second is [PC] AdamF who out of the blue sent me 500 Chips and wished me luck with my plan.


2 September 2007

An Aside

Last night I went clubbing for the first time in 2-3 months, and the first time since they banned smoking in public buildings.

Awsome night out, but then retribution usually is :)

No One Smoking! ment I didn't need my inhaler which I usually do when out, and this morning my skin still smelt of the shower gel I used yesterday and not the stench the cancer sticks tend to leave your skin and cloth reaking off.

I'm happy about that ban!
