23 August 2007

Lady Vashj - O Mistress of Wipeing

Ok on tuesday we had a whole evening of Vashj attempts! This is without a doubt the most technical fight I have ever taken part in! The only ones that come any where near as close are CThun, which I never had a large number of attempts at! And the original learning of Razorgore at the start of BWL.

At the end of the night the following progress had been made:-
  1. We could get the first strider down to around 20% by the time the second one appeared! (usually).
  2. The naga's once picked up tended to die ok (usually).
Also the following had been learnt, well at least by me.
  1. Rogues aka Face Paints are about 50% - 75% a bunch a moaners if they have to run around a lot.
  2. Ker for once isn't calling people useless for not mastering there jobs first attempt!
  3. The strider death rate - from 3 hunters (one of which is crappy MM spec tho) 2 locks (one of who was kiting), 1 Elem shammy (Also kiting if needed) and 1 Shadow Priest (ubre Nils!) - Meant we need more practice and better gear!
  4. We're doing better than another guild who got to her at the same time.
Well its now Thursday so off to draft which means I will miss tonights Learning Fest.


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