22 March 2010

So playing wow again

Since just after the new year I've been back playing wow again. Not raiding just playing casual working on my alts and of course catching up on all that time I've not spent working on "The Insane"

So what can I say - my gear is about as good as it can get outside of raiding, with maybe an extra frost emblem peice every month or two! I started off hitting the random dungeon finder pretty hard to the point that I have heirloom shoulders and chests for leveling all my alts current and planned! along with heirloom weapons as well.

For the last month I've slowed down again to just doing the cooking daily - well until I got my chef hat! - the fishing and JC'er ones and all 9 Argent Crusade quests, they are my easy, if slow route to 99 out of 100 mounts.

So thats about it for wow for now. Not got a huge amount to say until I get "The Insane" or join a new raiding guild (which will be when I've finished building the new PC).
