So last weekend the qualifier season for the 3rd World of Warcraft TCG national championships stared. The format is slightly different this time round thought as there are two types of qualifier, local & grand.
In a local qualifier only the winner qualifies for the Nationals, where as in the grand qualifier it’s the top 4 players. In both cases the qualifier passes down if somebody has already qualified.
The next thing that’s important to know about this set of events is that until July when Fields of Honour becomes legal the format is constructed, then it gets switched to sealed.
I’m planning to hit at least one competition a week this time round starting with the first Grand qualifier of the season in Leicester on Sunday.
My hero to start with will be Chloe Mithrilbolt but that is sure to change as the UK meta game potentially adjusts over the course of the month!
On Sunday when I get home I’ll post up the deck list and how that little Gnome tank faired.