26 June 2009


After 10 trips back and forth from Southshore to the manor I finally reached exalted, and only a week behind schedule. (This was caused be getting bored with the grind and avoiding it for several days). And with one more quick trip after to max out the faction.

Now I need to get Steamwheedle back up from Revered to Exalted and collect another 92 DMF decks!


18 June 2009

The Zombies are Coming!!!

On the web there are many places to get hold of small time management type games to idly pass the time. One that I have been using for over a year now is Big Fish Games. I buy a credit a month and depending on my mood pick up a time management, puzzle or word game. Most are simple in that I complete them in 2-3 days and then move on but occasionally I get one that just grabs my attention and sort of swallows my time whole! In exactly the same way a full scale Roleplay or Strategy game can do. Well on Thursday last week a game of this time popped up – Plants vs Zombies.

The idea is simple you plant, plants into your garden such as the Peashooter to kill the waves of zombies before they can get into your house to eat your brains! So I’ve completed the adventure, all the mini games and puzzles, completed all the survival modes but still I’m spending hours playing the game!

I think part of it is the zen garden! As the play you can pick up plants for your garden which you just water and nurture until they are fully grown. So I’m repeating the adventure and survival games in order to pick up as many plants as I can, need them all!

Which I think partially explains why I’m doing this! The game is fun and I have an addictive personality when it comes to games….


11 June 2009

The 700th Junk Box.

On Tuesday night I was on standby for the raid and so made use of my time in collecting another 150 heavy junk boxes in Tyr’s hand, passing the halfway point in the process! I’m down to a mere 13 hours of farming left! so am expecting to be exalted with Ravenholt a week on Friday!

On another goal I made up my first Outlands DMF deck in time for this month’s Fair and put myself onto 0/12000 Honoured. From farming the materials for making the outland cards I have noticed the real slow down factor is the Primal Life. Even buying all the stuff on the AH it doesn’t keep up with pigment from the 50% herbs.

So the plan to deal with this is finish of Ravenholt and then get Sneakycat up five more levels to 65 so she can get Wrath inscription to make Northrend DMF cards. Once that’s done I will have a reason to get the Druid up to 78 for herb farming, It also means I can buy and mill the new herbs which have a much bigger supply on the AH!


First Hard Mode Uldar Kill

Sunday we cracked Thorim hard mode after wipes at 5% then 7% then 2%. That fight was a seriously fun challenge, despite the loot being rubbish. I am now looking forward to next week when I’m hoping we get Hodir and Freya+1 done. Flame leviathan +4 would also be good but I think the plan is to just move up to +3.


5 June 2009

National Qualifier Season

So last weekend the qualifier season for the 3rd World of Warcraft TCG national championships stared. The format is slightly different this time round thought as there are two types of qualifier, local & grand.

In a local qualifier only the winner qualifies for the Nationals, where as in the grand qualifier it’s the top 4 players. In both cases the qualifier passes down if somebody has already qualified.

The next thing that’s important to know about this set of events is that until July when Fields of Honour becomes legal the format is constructed, then it gets switched to sealed.

I’m planning to hit at least one competition a week this time round starting with the first Grand qualifier of the season in Leicester on Sunday. 

My hero to start with will be Chloe Mithrilbolt but that is sure to change as the UK meta game potentially adjusts over the course of the month!

On Sunday when I get home I’ll post up the deck list and how that little Gnome tank faired.


1 June 2009

Emptying Scarlet Pockets

After the Yogg kill last night I spent almost an hour on the rogue running around and around Tyr’s hand. And the average number of junk boxes was about 1 per minute. So with travel time to a post box and run back I’m looking at 50 boxes an hour. 

With 1250 more needed for exalted, once I hand in the 50 from last night, that’s a mere 25 hours of grinding. Which on the scale of things, like the time spent on Steamwheedle rep, is absolutely nothing! So by the end of June I’m expecting to be Exalted with ravenholdt. It’s silly really In that levelling a rogue to 60 will have taken 3 to 4 time longer than the job I needed the char for!


Who ordered Yogg(urt)?

Last night we downed this stupid ugly giant brain. The fight is intense taking almost 15 minutes but reasonably simple once the pieces fall into place. So now he is down I’m hoping that we as a guild start working on more hard mode achievements and kills because I want my 310% Protodrake mount! 

I do know Tuesday will be hard mode council as they are the only boss fight left in this save.
