1 September 2008

UK National Championship 2008

Less that a week left now until the nationals which are in Shieffield this year. And I think I have finally decided on the deck type I will run with. Having brought less cards of the last three sets than I did with the first three I have less options for suddenly changing my mind!

Any way what am I running? Well....

It will probably not be a Hunt for Illidan updated version of my hunter deck from the Realms and DMF Lyon. The reason being that while a good deck, it just dosn't have enough tech options.

It definatly will not be a mage control deck, I've played the water elemental control decks... boring! And completely not my style. Tho this is an archetype likely to crop up a lot in the event so my almost decided choice has a lot of answers to it.

It won't be bubble boy/girl as I really HATE paladin decks! well almost as much as I hate paladins in PvP - Damn bubble and heal to full with no way of stopping it at all!!! It would be less annoying if they where not in tin can suits. This is the UK, so there WILL be a large number of people running paladins... so teched against they are.

Well I've not yet mentioned what I'm going to run with and being honest I'm not going to! But I'll add a few more that will almost certainly appear.

Ssssssssssss, traitor druid rush, a fast deadly and damn right scary archtype. Damn not running mage so no spell stollen serpant form for me.

Its allegidly a problem in this country, but how much of this is due to Media hype is open to debate. A similar problem is in this game as there has been a large increase of kids with knives and daggers. Such as the persistant untargettable Ashtongue Blade, the destructive Retainer's Blade and even some funky throwing knifes. So expect dagger rogues as well!

To finish this post I have a fun way of making a good rare quest (yes I did just say Quest, Rare & Good in relation to one card!!!!) work even against solo decks!!!

The quest is Minions of the Shadow Council, the 2nd card is Metzen the Reindeer, and to finish off something to kill the pirates straight away! such as splash damage from a water elemental! Pull it off and even against solo decks you can pay 3 to draw 3 cards! If you had more than one copy of the quest out they are ALL now ready for pay 3 and draw 3!!!


Interesting Reading

Ok, while at work on saturday, the only one I have to work each year, I came across an interesting series of articles on the BBC website. They are about numbers and statistics and how the media and marketing makes use of them in a way that shows what they want rather than anything like the truth!

And so we have 
Lesson 1 > Surverys
Lesson 2 > Counting
Lesson 3 > Percentages
Lesson 4 > Averages

Now why have I linked these? Easy they are about numbers and I like numbers!!!
