Not posted on anything for a while! been sort of busy and not really in the mood. Part of the problem has been some trouble in the guild. We've had people leave get annoyed with each other etc and raiding was suffering :( Part of the problem was our GM becoming a father and having less time to RL or be online. Our other raid leader is "Under the Thumb" of his girlfriend and can't raid any more either.
But now things have changed. A lot of new experienced people some more leavers and a restucturing of the guild. So now there is a Guild Council of 3 in charge. Then a Raid Council of 3 who RL and decide on tactics. And finally the class leaders of which I am the new hunter CL :)
First task - find out what my hunters gear is like, and swap in an out to get them upto speed asap! Which is why I'm writing this and playing on an alt rather than being in SSC.
31 October 2007
11 October 2007
Dual Wielding Axes
Wednesday saw some bizare boss kills!
On Al'ar we where melee light due to recent losses and AKF rogues and magic heavy - this resulted in a kill 17 second before enrage!!!!
Then on Solarian we got her to 75% at first adds, 50% for the second set, 28% for the third! The DPS was truely impressive and the adds died in seconds due to stupid amounts of AoE!!!!
As the the topic of the post! I am a happy bunny now for the reason shown in the pic.
On Al'ar we where melee light due to recent losses and AKF rogues and magic heavy - this resulted in a kill 17 second before enrage!!!!
Then on Solarian we got her to 75% at first adds, 50% for the second set, 28% for the third! The DPS was truely impressive and the adds died in seconds due to stupid amounts of AoE!!!!
As the the topic of the post! I am a happy bunny now for the reason shown in the pic.
The Good & The Bad
The good - we are making definate progress on Kael! Tuesday saw us getting Thelodrid & the remaining weapons down in phase 3 of the fight - I think that he will be going down in the next week or so - Which puts us nicely ontrack for starting Mount Hyjal by the start of November - Which matches the prediction made when we killed Vashj.
The bad - we lost Azshene to Sora. He is without a doubt one of the best rogues I've ever played with. He'll top the damage meters every time, while riding the aggro threshhold perfectly almost never drawing aggro! He will be missed, doubly so as good rogues are hard to find. We also lost Wild our main tank to a less raid intensive guild - Sure there is more going on there than meets the eye - but who can tell.
The bad - we lost Azshene to Sora. He is without a doubt one of the best rogues I've ever played with. He'll top the damage meters every time, while riding the aggro threshhold perfectly almost never drawing aggro! He will be missed, doubly so as good rogues are hard to find. We also lost Wild our main tank to a less raid intensive guild - Sure there is more going on there than meets the eye - but who can tell.
9 October 2007
Honour Hold Exalted
Two back to back runs of the Shattered halls and I am finally exalted with Honour Hold :)
This is actually an important one because it means I can now craft Nethercobra Leg Armor which I plan to get onto the T5 legs of every hunter! Zardos who helped me with the last two runs has his. Need to do Ker and then me, Nos & the new hunter as and when we get our legs.
This is actually an important one because it means I can now craft Nethercobra Leg Armor which I plan to get onto the T5 legs of every hunter! Zardos who helped me with the last two runs has his. Need to do Ker and then me, Nos & the new hunter as and when we get our legs.
Dazed & Confused
I mentioned in the nats post about my day one T-Shirt. I've had it since my first year of Uni, which makes it 11-12 years old, but it still makes people stop and doubletake so its usefulness has not ended!
Even the camera struggled :)
Even the camera struggled :)
8 October 2007
Return to Roots
Now the Nats are firmly out of the way and unlike those going to the worlds my plans are already set on nexts years qualification! So on Thursday at lunch I knocked together a rough draft for a Kana Nassis hunter deck. Got home from work and built a slightly different version, due to the annoying little one still having one of my blaster shot's I only put two in and adlibed the rest.
Comfortably won all my matches 2-0 and even handled Jakes nats hunter deck without to much trouble. The deck list below is what I played and the current itteration is in blue. I've lost the list of what I wrote up at work.
Will I play hunter at DMF London? not sure yet, but probably, its where I started after all and I am more comfortable playing a hunter deck than, say a warrior. Not yet ruled out Bubble Boy control tho!
Comfortably won all my matches 2-0 and even handled Jakes nats hunter deck without to much trouble. The deck list below is what I played and the current itteration is in blue. I've lost the list of what I wrote up at work.
Will I play hunter at DMF London? not sure yet, but probably, its where I started after all and I am more comfortable playing a hunter deck than, say a warrior. Not yet ruled out Bubble Boy control tho!
Deck: Blue Hunter Survival Rush (This is for referencing in future posts)
Hero: Kana Nassis
Abilities: 14 [14]
Lightning Reflexes x4 [x4]
Freezing Trap x4 [x4]
Arcane Shot x3
Trophy Kill x3 [x3]
[Wingclip x3]
Allies: 25 [24]
Apprentice Teep x4 [x4]
Korthas Greybeard x3 [x3]
Hootie x4 [x4]
Latro Abiectus x4 [x4]
Kulvo Jadefist x3 [x3]
Medox Spiritwarden x2 [x2]
Kal'ai the Uplifting x2 [x4]
Norrund Grovewalker x2
Lady Jaina Proudmore x1
Equpment: 5 [6]
Sonic Spear x3 [x3]
Blastershot Launcher x2 [x3]
Quests: 16 [16]
Rescue the Survivors! x4 [x4]
The Defias Brotherhood x4 [x4]
Chasing A-Me 01 x3 [x3]
Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service! x3 [x3]
The Missing Diplomat x2 [x2]
They Live!
A classic, in my opinion, sci fi film of the 80's was They Live, in which aliens use subliminal messages to control humanity. In the film special glasses created by a resistance movement reveal the truth of the bug eyed monster living amont is! And now in WoW the same thing has been created!!
And the truth I discovered is more shocking that any one, even me, could have imagined. The BUG EYED aliens are EVERYWHERE. Even among my own guild! The following pictures are of a very graphic & psycologically disturbing nature, those who are squemish or have heart problems should not read any further.
And the truth I discovered is more shocking that any one, even me, could have imagined. The BUG EYED aliens are EVERYWHERE. Even among my own guild! The following pictures are of a very graphic & psycologically disturbing nature, those who are squemish or have heart problems should not read any further.
4 October 2007
The Delayed Nationals Blog!
Ok first off this is late for one major reason, I did badly :). The other major reason was I have been catching up on my farming and rep grinding on WoW.
Any time to begin my post about my Nat's experience and what I have learned.
Got up stupidly early on the Saturday morning, knackered because despite planning for 8 hours sleep I woke up in the early hours, and couldn't get back to sleep because the club just along the road was playing louder than normal! Thats what is felt like anyway.
Off to the station at a leisurly stroll! Unlike Jake and Jamie who had an hours walk! And we all meet up, jump on an earlier train than planned as it was pretty much sitting in the station at the time. Chatted, Lent cards to finish (almost) decks and played my Dotz deck against Jake. He won 2 out of 3 I'm glad to say.
Sign up for the tournament once there and let the games begin! Just have to add this is the first major Tournament i've ever been to and it was exhausting!
Round 1 - vs somebody who I've met before and his name escapes me at the moment.
Went one down from the first game - Then in the 2nd as I was balancing a table judge spotted some cards I'd dropped on the floor. When asked when I could have said between games, but that would be lying - As I dropped them when shuffling at the start (*See the future post on The Curse of New Sleeves!). Because I had been playing with an illegal deck I get a game lose which = match lose. /sigh but you live and learn.
Round 2 - vs one of the swansea lot, who Top 8'd. Loved his playmat! It was a menu.
And got squshed quite thuroughly (damn I wish I could remember names! and spell too).
Round 3 - vs a lady who comes from somewhere near Dartford (thats my home town btw). Was an easy 2/0 win but she was a good laugh and I LOVED the Model Yetis for yeti tokens.
Round 4 - Another couple of easy wins, can't remember much about this game!
Round 5 - vs the hero I can't remember, But Magni, Parvink, Medoc & Crown of Destruction!!!! Played there parts. Going into this game I was 2/2 so a win here would put me into the draft. Unfortunatly in the 3rd game I made the mistake that would bug me for a few days, before I took it in my stride and moved on! He said he was taking a chance and played Medoc. I added up 5 devastate damage in my head and attacked his hero. Then played devestate and realised it was only 4 :( The endless recurring Parvinks did me in.
Round 6, the one I had to win to carry on into the draft - vs Jake. This was the matchup I did not want, a team mate also on 2/3 one of us was getting knocked out. I went into the game Confident as his deck had never beaten mine. Unfortunatly for me this was the day that changed.
End up 2/4 and didn't make the cut for draft. Mistake one was avoiding caffiene so I didn't crash in the evening! Instead I ended up with a MASSIVE caffine withdrawal head ache - And damn it hurt. (Yes I'm a Caffiene Addict, I tried giving up - but being honest I haven't got the willpower to do it by myself :( sad but true.)
Had a drink, with a VERY drunk Jamie (he'd had a point of Cider for every game loss! plus a couple more from Chris and one from me! Chatted to a guy who had brought a rogue deck (can't remeber his name - will have to find out!). And waited while they did the draft - GOD WAS IT SLOW! and the first match.
Later went and had Tapas with a few of the other players, most I know a couple I didn't and back to the hotel to sleep.
Day 2 Begins, I've decided to play in the constructed for a box and so Was not, not drinking coke today! Ok don't sign up for the sealled two-headed ogre for an Ipod Nano (I have my Sony Walkman and very happy with it!) 11ish get to sign up for the side event I'm still here for! The first pod of 3 round of draft finished just before the start, so the people who dropped get to enter.
We begin!
Round 1 - vs I really can't remember! I win.
Round 2 - vs mmm can't remember this one either! I win.
Round 3 - Alex (another one of the swansea lot! Warrax solo vs Gorebelly solo! Duel Wield vs Twig. A case of who ever draws combos first is likely to win! We noticed a mistake in my first game so I gave him the win - my mistake so only fair! Got a win in the second and lost the third. This game was Tough! But really enjoyed the challenge! I lose.
Round 4 - vs a Paladin deck! Get the first game as a win, Got stalled in the second but managed to keep myself alive (just) when time was called to result in a Win.
Top 8 and the quarters! vs.... Alex again! The revenge match. Was EVEN harder that the first time around, and I was seriously shaking at the end. Managed to pull a 2/1 win (was 3 health left in the third game before Wraith Scythe kicked in and pulled me back to safety!). This was the BEST game I had played all weekend. And totally enjoyed it.
Top 4 and the semis! vs.... The Paladin again (who now I remember is the boyfriend of the women with the Yeti models! She hated my Dazed and Confused T-shirt from the saturday.
He completely shut me down in both games! And when I was forced to just explode or lose in the first one he had a lay on hands :(. In the second game a recurring hammer of justice shut me down. And I didn't make used of my Devestates to make him attack me. So that was me done.
Prizes! Not the box and complete set of Molten Core treasure cards, but a Zapped Giants T-Shirt (I wanted one anyway!), A set of Azeroth other sized Hero cards (gives me the set so will get em Laminated). 6 FOO boosters. - Nothing major but the last one had a Mana Etched Pantaloons as the rare, I screwed it up! I Swear at least 25% of rares printed for FOO are this god damned jank card!
Home time, got the train and went home! It was an awsome weekend, tireing but cool. There is a serious sense of community in the UK-WOW TCG scene, partly and not a small part, due to Zapped Giants. We need to work on this and build! More players is want we want. And friendly people (There was a LOT of card sharing going on, I borrowed 3 of my Stronghold Gauntlets from a player I've only met 4 or 5 times!)
Thats it for now!
Any time to begin my post about my Nat's experience and what I have learned.
Got up stupidly early on the Saturday morning, knackered because despite planning for 8 hours sleep I woke up in the early hours, and couldn't get back to sleep because the club just along the road was playing louder than normal! Thats what is felt like anyway.
Off to the station at a leisurly stroll! Unlike Jake and Jamie who had an hours walk! And we all meet up, jump on an earlier train than planned as it was pretty much sitting in the station at the time. Chatted, Lent cards to finish (almost) decks and played my Dotz deck against Jake. He won 2 out of 3 I'm glad to say.
Sign up for the tournament once there and let the games begin! Just have to add this is the first major Tournament i've ever been to and it was exhausting!
Round 1 - vs somebody who I've met before and his name escapes me at the moment.
Went one down from the first game - Then in the 2nd as I was balancing a table judge spotted some cards I'd dropped on the floor. When asked when I could have said between games, but that would be lying - As I dropped them when shuffling at the start (*See the future post on The Curse of New Sleeves!). Because I had been playing with an illegal deck I get a game lose which = match lose. /sigh but you live and learn.
Round 2 - vs one of the swansea lot, who Top 8'd. Loved his playmat! It was a menu.
And got squshed quite thuroughly (damn I wish I could remember names! and spell too).
Round 3 - vs a lady who comes from somewhere near Dartford (thats my home town btw). Was an easy 2/0 win but she was a good laugh and I LOVED the Model Yetis for yeti tokens.
Round 4 - Another couple of easy wins, can't remember much about this game!
Round 5 - vs the hero I can't remember, But Magni, Parvink, Medoc & Crown of Destruction!!!! Played there parts. Going into this game I was 2/2 so a win here would put me into the draft. Unfortunatly in the 3rd game I made the mistake that would bug me for a few days, before I took it in my stride and moved on! He said he was taking a chance and played Medoc. I added up 5 devastate damage in my head and attacked his hero. Then played devestate and realised it was only 4 :( The endless recurring Parvinks did me in.
Round 6, the one I had to win to carry on into the draft - vs Jake. This was the matchup I did not want, a team mate also on 2/3 one of us was getting knocked out. I went into the game Confident as his deck had never beaten mine. Unfortunatly for me this was the day that changed.
End up 2/4 and didn't make the cut for draft. Mistake one was avoiding caffiene so I didn't crash in the evening! Instead I ended up with a MASSIVE caffine withdrawal head ache - And damn it hurt. (Yes I'm a Caffiene Addict, I tried giving up - but being honest I haven't got the willpower to do it by myself :( sad but true.)
Had a drink, with a VERY drunk Jamie (he'd had a point of Cider for every game loss! plus a couple more from Chris and one from me! Chatted to a guy who had brought a rogue deck (can't remeber his name - will have to find out!). And waited while they did the draft - GOD WAS IT SLOW! and the first match.
Later went and had Tapas with a few of the other players, most I know a couple I didn't and back to the hotel to sleep.
Day 2 Begins, I've decided to play in the constructed for a box and so Was not, not drinking coke today! Ok don't sign up for the sealled two-headed ogre for an Ipod Nano (I have my Sony Walkman and very happy with it!) 11ish get to sign up for the side event I'm still here for! The first pod of 3 round of draft finished just before the start, so the people who dropped get to enter.
We begin!
Round 1 - vs I really can't remember! I win.
Round 2 - vs mmm can't remember this one either! I win.
Round 3 - Alex (another one of the swansea lot! Warrax solo vs Gorebelly solo! Duel Wield vs Twig. A case of who ever draws combos first is likely to win! We noticed a mistake in my first game so I gave him the win - my mistake so only fair! Got a win in the second and lost the third. This game was Tough! But really enjoyed the challenge! I lose.
Round 4 - vs a Paladin deck! Get the first game as a win, Got stalled in the second but managed to keep myself alive (just) when time was called to result in a Win.
Top 8 and the quarters! vs.... Alex again! The revenge match. Was EVEN harder that the first time around, and I was seriously shaking at the end. Managed to pull a 2/1 win (was 3 health left in the third game before Wraith Scythe kicked in and pulled me back to safety!). This was the BEST game I had played all weekend. And totally enjoyed it.
Top 4 and the semis! vs.... The Paladin again (who now I remember is the boyfriend of the women with the Yeti models! She hated my Dazed and Confused T-shirt from the saturday.
He completely shut me down in both games! And when I was forced to just explode or lose in the first one he had a lay on hands :(. In the second game a recurring hammer of justice shut me down. And I didn't make used of my Devestates to make him attack me. So that was me done.
Prizes! Not the box and complete set of Molten Core treasure cards, but a Zapped Giants T-Shirt (I wanted one anyway!), A set of Azeroth other sized Hero cards (gives me the set so will get em Laminated). 6 FOO boosters. - Nothing major but the last one had a Mana Etched Pantaloons as the rare, I screwed it up! I Swear at least 25% of rares printed for FOO are this god damned jank card!
Home time, got the train and went home! It was an awsome weekend, tireing but cool. There is a serious sense of community in the UK-WOW TCG scene, partly and not a small part, due to Zapped Giants. We need to work on this and build! More players is want we want. And friendly people (There was a LOT of card sharing going on, I borrowed 3 of my Stronghold Gauntlets from a player I've only met 4 or 5 times!)
Thats it for now!
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